Jakarta, VIVA – Jovi Andrea Bachtiar, a Prosecutor received negative sentiment from the Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI). Prosecutor Jovi intended to report his case to the DPR RI on Friday, November 22, 2024. However, the case was considered trivial by members of the DPR RI Commission III.
Previously, Prosecutor Jovi exposed his colleague Iih Nella Marsela for using the official car of the South Tapanuli District Attorney (Kajari), Siti Holija Harahap, for personal purposes.
Prosecutor Jovi visited the DPR RI to restore his reputation. He is currently a defendant after being charged under Article 45 paragraph (4) of Law Number 1 of 2024 Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE).
Prosecutor Jovi is also facing a two-year prison sentence for allegedly spreading information that violates decency on social media.
Member of the DPR RI Commission III, Rudianto Lallo, considers Prosecutor Jovi’s case to be trivial. However, he does not deny that Prosecutor Jovi’s case tarnishes the image of the Attorney General’s Office.
“Commission III is really great, very aspirational. A case that in my opinion is trivial, we can discuss today. But this tarnishes the image of the attorney general,” said Rudianto.
He reminded Prosecutor Jovi that the DPR RI is not a place for judgment, but for finding the best solution. Rudianto also stated that the Attorney General’s Office has high solidarity and integrity.
“So if these individuals from the Attorney General’s Office are attacking each other, posting on social media, it’s not interesting to watch. For the public and us, it’s just a joke. Maybe there are personal problems or other issues, but it all comes back to intentions,” he said.
Rudianto also expressed his surprise at why Prosecutor Jovi posted or uploaded a video that went viral about his own colleague.
“I don’t know the real intentions behind Jovi’s post. Is it purely a moral reminder? Or is there something else? We don’t want to get involved in that,” said Rudianto.
On the other hand, Rudianto still hopes that this issue can be resolved properly without any criminal elements. For example, he suggested resolving it amicably.
“I hope this meeting becomes a shared correction. Earlier, Mr. Jamwas said there is still a session of the attorney’s honor council. Who knows, there might be efforts to sit down together. Now the attorney general is focusing on restorative justice. Why not try that? Let’s not embarrass the institution,” said Rudianto.
Prosecutor Jovi’s Defense
Prosecutor Jovi emphasized that he did not accuse Nella Marsela of using the official car for intimate relations with her boyfriend.
He stated that he only criticized Nella for showing off or boasting about using the official car of the South Tapanuli District Attorney (Tapsel). He wanted Nella to stop showing off.
“I only criticized Ms. Nella Marsela, who was proven to like showing off photos or flexing using the Pajero Sport official car of the Kajari Tapsel. So she should stop doing that,” Jovi said.
Jovi explained that Nella Marsela is not a Prosecutor, but only a prisoner escort. However, Nella was able to use the official car of the Kajari Tapsel.
“Because her status, as we should know, is not a Prosecutor but a prisoner escort and also not an aide in the official letter,” he said.
Jovi added that the use of the official car should have written permission from the Kajari Tapanuli Selatan. “Nella has used the official car several times, not just to the market, outside working hours, without the Kajari’s presence,” Jovi said.
He claimed that he never accused Nella of using the official car of the Kajari Tapsel for intimate relations with her boyfriend.
Nella Marsela’s Clarification
Meanwhile, Nella Marsela emphasized that Prosecutor Jovi should have reprimanded her privately and not uploaded it to social media. Nella felt harmed by Jovi’s post.
“If he thinks I did something wrong, he could have told me directly. There was no need to involve social media,” said Nella.
Nella Merasa Dirugikan atas Postingan Jovi
Nella merasa sangat dirugikan atas postingan Jovi terhadap dirinya. Menurut Nella, laporan yang diajukan ke polisi tidak ada intervensi dari pihak Kejaksaan, terutama Kajari Tapsel.
Nella menegaskan bahwa dia melaporkan ke kantor polisi tanpa campur tangan dari siapa pun, termasuk pimpinan. Dia mengatakan bahwa pelaporan ke polisi dilakukan atas dukungan dari keluarganya dan didampingi oleh keluarganya.
Nella juga menekankan kepada Jaksa Jovi bahwa DPR RI bukan tempat untuk mengadili, tetapi untuk mencari solusi terbaik. Rudianto juga menyatakan bahwa Kejaksaan memiliki solidaritas dan soliditas yang tinggi.
Dalam hal ini, Nella merasa perlu memberikan penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai kasus tersebut. Hal ini penting untuk membuka pemahaman yang lebih luas dan mencegah munculnya kesalahpahaman di masyarakat.
Pentingnya Pemberian Informasi yang Jelas
Dalam konteks ini, penting bagi Nella untuk memberikan informasi yang jelas dan transparan mengenai kasus yang sedang dihadapinya. Dengan begitu, masyarakat dapat memahami dengan baik kronologi dan alasan di balik tindakan yang diambil oleh Nella.
Selain itu, dengan memberikan informasi yang lengkap dan akurat, Nella juga dapat menjaga reputasinya dan memastikan bahwa kebenaran akan terungkap. Hal ini juga dapat menjadi pembelajaran bagi semua pihak agar lebih berhati-hati dalam menyebarkan informasi yang belum terverifikasi.
Solidaritas dan Soliditas Kejaksaan
Rudianto menegaskan pentingnya solidaritas dan soliditas di lingkungan Kejaksaan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam menangani suatu kasus, Kejaksaan dapat bersatu padu dan memberikan dukungan penuh kepada rekan-rekannya.
Solidaritas dan soliditas juga menjadi pondasi kuat dalam menjaga integritas dan profesionalisme Kejaksaan. Dengan adanya kerjasama yang baik antar anggota Kejaksaan, diharapkan penegakan hukum dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan adil.
Dengan demikian, Nella berharap agar kasus yang sedang dihadapinya dapat diselesaikan dengan baik dan adil. Dukungan dari keluarga dan solidaritas dari pihak Kejaksaan diharapkan dapat menjadi modal untuk menghadapi setiap tantangan yang ada.