Jumat, 6 Desember 2024 – 00:25 WIB
Jakarta, VIVA – Dedi Mulyadi menelepon penjual es teh viral yang dihina oleh Gus Miftah. Uluran tangan tidak ada maksud apapun selain bentuk empati.
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Peristiwa Gus Miftah mengolok-olok seorang pedagang es teh menjadi perbincangan hangat di media sosial. Netizen kompak mengecam keras kalimat hinaan yang diucapkan pendakwah kontroversial kepada Sunhaji.
Artis-artis kompak mengulurkan tangan kepada Sunhaji. Donasi yang diberikan pun beragam dari uang tunai, beasiswa pendidikan untuk kedua anak Sunhaji hingga umrah gratis.
Seakan tak mau ketinggalan, Dedi Mulyadi langsung menelepon Sunhaji. Kang Dedi memulai percakapan dengan berkenalan satu sama lain dan bertanya rutinitas Sunhaji.
Dalam panggilan video, Kang Dedi mengatakan dirinya dekat secara personal dengan Gus Miftah. Mungkin.
Meeting Gus Miftah: A Memorable Experience in Kebumen, Central Java
Dedi, a regular attendee of Gus Miftah’s religious lectures, was taken aback by the recent viral incident involving the Islamic preacher. Just two days prior to the incident, Dedi had met Gus Miftah and found his ‘unique’ sense of humor quite amusing.
Sunhaji, the tea seller who was mocked by Gus Miftah during a religious event, refused to dwell on the incident when questioned by Dedi. Sunhaji believed that the matter had been resolved, with both parties apologizing and forgiving each other.
The incident, where Gus Miftah made fun of the tea seller, occurred on November 25, 2024, just two days before the simultaneous regional elections in Indonesia.
Despite the viral controversy, Sunhaji expressed no hard feelings towards Gus Miftah. He simply stated, “I’m just here to make a living.”
Moved by Sunhaji’s plight, Dedi decided to offer a helping hand by providing a business grant of Rp 20 million. This gesture not only brought a smile to Sunhaji’s face but also shed light on the struggles faced by small business owners.
Sunhaji’s wife, who aspired to open a grocery store, was grateful for Dedi’s support. With the donation of Rp 20 million, she could now pursue her dream business.
In a heartwarming moment, Dedi thanked Sunhaji’s wife for her loyalty and support towards her husband. The act of kindness inspired by empathy and moral values left a lasting impact on both parties.
As the story unfolded, it became a tale of compassion and generosity, proving that even in the midst of controversy, there is always room for empathy and understanding.